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Do you know Jesus?

Here's the 2 minute Gospel in 3 steps. ​


1.God is Good!

Jesus is the Creator, the source of unimaginable blessing and life. The Bible tells us we are created by a holy, powerful and good God. Each of us are unique and precious in His sight and we were made for a purpose. We discover hope, purpose and so much more when we live in a close loving relationship with Him. John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 


Can we be free?

Can we be forgiven for our past?

Can we have peace with God?

Can we have hope for the future when the world is in chaos? 

Is there an answer to the problem of evil?  

The answer is yes and it is found in Jesus, who He is and what He has done.


Here's the truth, without Jesus we are lost and on our way to an eternity outside of God's presence.  The Bible describes this as a place of darkness and despair. That may sound a bit harsh, I mean doesn't God love everyone? Yes of course He loves you. God in his very essence is perfect love. He has always loved you, He loved you at your very worst. God will never stop loving you or pursuing you. He is the good shepherd. It is us who have rejected Him. Instead of living in relationship with God, we have all chosen to reject His love and goodness to go our own way.


2. Sin Seperates!

Jesus is faithful and He desires to be close to each one of us. Yet we have willfully rejected Him in our words, thoughts & actions. If we’re honest, we have all done wrong. The Bible calls this sin.​ "Sin? What is that?" Sin is those things God says no to (for good reason). Just look at our broken world, we see the rotten fruit of sin and selfishness everywhere – lies, greed, violence, racism, hatred, exploitation, abuse etc…sin ruins relationships, society & pollutes our souls. Worst of all it separates us from God.  We can't say "well I'm a good person" because we are all sinners, we all have a past.


  •       Romans 3:23 for (we have) all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.


In the short term, sin may bring us temporary pleasure but ultimately sin brings misery and leads to physical & spiritual death. We only have one life then we must stand before a Just and Holy God. The penalty for sin is separation from God.  That's the bad news.


3. God HAS made a way for you. ​​

There is GOOD NEWS!


Romans 5:8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while

we were still sinners.


Since God is gracious, He has made a way for you to be forgiven and with Him now and in eternity. That way is Jesus Christ. He is gives us eternal life. God sent His only son Jesus who was perfect and blameless so that through His death on the cross, our sin and shame can be removed. The Cross shows us the seriousness of our sin & the amazing love of God.


John 14:6 Jesus said  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." 


On the Cross our debt was paid in full. This was not the end. On the third day Jesus rose in victory over the power of Satan sin & death.  Through Jesus can we be forgiven, washed clean and reconciled to God.​  


Come to Jesus!

You can begin a new life today if we repent (turn from our selfish and sinful ways) and put our trust in Him. ​​​​​​


John 1:12 To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right

to become children of God.


If you believe this, don't delay. Jesus is coming again soon with power and glory to judge the living and the dead.


Revelation 3:20 Jesus says: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice

and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me.  


This verse from Revelation is a beautiful picture of Jesus standing at the door of your heart. He wants to enter into your heart to bring you into relationship and friendship with God. You can pray now to welcome Him as your Saviour, Lord and friend.


Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for your amazing love for me. Thank you for dying on the Cross and rising again to make a way for my salvation. I now turn from all I know to be wrong, lead me to live a life which pleases you. Wash me clean and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I give you my future.  In Jesus’ Name Amen!


Did you pray this prayer? If so we want to welcome you into God's family and support you in your new life

as a Christian. Please drop us a line on the contact form below and we will be in touch.


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Tel. 07473274852




Ichthus Southcroft Church

276 Mitcham Lane 

Streatham SW16 6NU


Sunday 11am & 3pm 


© 2024 Ichthus Christian Fellowship, Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee

Company Number 4255893. Charity Number 1099412



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